
My name is Dawne and I’m a professional, award-winning pastry chef from Vancouver. I love all food. I can easily consume chocolate, sweets and desserts all day long. In order to combat this shocking diet, I began running two years ago. Lucky for me, I met a great group of gals, The Parkside Runners, while working out in beautiful Stanley Park. In addition to training for marathons together, we recently began our own version of clean eating. This means no refined sugar, no wheat flour (gluten-free), no dairy and no alcohol. With a few exceptions. My cooking and eating have changed drastically, and I’ve never felt better. My fitness has improved. So has the fit of my jeans. And now I’m experimenting on baking with alternative ingredients. It seems close to impossible to create delicious treats that aren’t bad for you, but I’m determined to learn. I created Baker’s Balance to share my healthy recipes with friends.

43 Responses to “About”

  1. katie said

    Baker’s Balance…it’s PERFECT! Nice work…

  2. Barbara E. said

    As always, perfection and attention to detail are your signature touches! Nicely done !

  3. courtney said

    I had the honour to meet dawne in the park in the early mornings, with a couple other crazies, and have been training with her ever since. Eating healthy has totally changed my fitness, she had introduced me to great pastries, and now even better healthy snacks. “Think of this cupcake like a salad”

  4. Kate said

    Kate here, Jenny G’s friend =)

    What great content! Girl we need this out on Twitter so the other local blogs can pick up your updates! I am a WP nut so any help you need to make the above happen, let me know. This stuff definitely needs to be going out over the airways =)

    • dawnegourley said

      Kate, thanks for your encouragement. I would like to get this out on Twitter, so I just might take you up on your offer. You’ll be hearing from me soon. Much appreciation.

  5. jason said

    You are amazing!.

  6. Ellis said

    I love the picture and the new name.
    So neat and beautiful! Just like you. 🙂

  7. Cindy said

    Does “no sugar” mean just refined sugars? I have never been clear on that. What about honey, maple syrup and the many luscious varieties of fresh fruit out there… are those OK? And regarding the baking – FINALLY – someone expert enough to take on this task of healthy treats – thank you! I have been dying for someone to discover this for years – I just don’t have the know-how to do it myself! I eagerly await your recipes!

    • dawnegourley said

      Oh, yes, I should be more clear. I meant no refined sugars. I think maple syrup and honey, while natural, local, and delicious, spike up blood sugar. Try agave nectar for a natural sweetener. I eat a lot of fresh and unsweetened dried fruits, they’re both so good for you. Lucky for us, berry season is almost here.

      • Cindy said

        Thanks Dawne!
        Coincidentally, I have been searching for a sugarless banana cake to make for my son’s first birthday on June 20th (It’s a monkey theme). Maybe something that’s wheat-free as well. I have tried two different recipes that I have randomly picked up off the web, but they were semi. Do you have any advice on this?

  8. Dawne, what a beautiful and thoughtful website – very inspiring. Congratulations!

  9. Jadewa said

    Inspiring and the pictures are amazing!

  10. Tsukasa said

    Our instructor Marlie told us about your beautiful and informative blog! It is on my RSS reader now so that I won’t miss any new update 😀

  11. VICKY said

    Dawne I’ve been reading through a few of your recipes and I am quite inspired to try them out. I just wanted to pass on a congratulations on your success, and all the best to you and Michael!

  12. Gerry B said

    Dawne has been helping me with training and a good personal friend for a long time. Every time we meet, after some rigorous stairclimb or yoga, she always has some of her baking for me, total bonus! I think its half my motivation to train with her! Haha, but seriously, she amazes me with her creations and is an inspiration.

  13. James and Miya said

    G’Day Dawne! Fabulous job on the site!

    Miya and I are both really enjoying following your blog from here in Perth. We both eat as healthy as possible and are always looking for new ideas.
    Any suggestions for tasty, energy & protein packed snack bars that will feed my skinny body while on the move?


    James & Miya xoxo

    • dawnegourley said

      Hi James – I think you’ll like the Bar One recipe. Give it a whirl. There’s another bar I would like to post, too. It’s a baked bar, and it’s filled with seeds, grains and dried fruit. Love, Dawne

  14. jodie said

    Hi Dawne
    It’s Jodie from Bishops- I have been loving your blog (wish I could eat that well, but it seem to much effort). Everything sounds fantastic , I guess once I figure out where to get all the strange food replacements it wouldn’t be that hard. For example I just learned what stevia is but how to you get it? And what form (liquid or powder)? I guess I could just use sugar or honey. Just wondering and GOOD LUCK & CONGRATS on the new job- it sounds great!

    • dawnegourley said

      Hi Jodie – yes, once you get all the strange food replacements it’s easy. And I buy stevia in a powder. It seems awfully expensive but since it’s about 300x sweeter than sugar you use way less. Glad you’re enjoying the blog. Thanks!

  15. Nina said

    Hi Dawne~
    Your Dad suggested I log into your site and check your recipes, and I am very glad he did. I am enjoying it so much!! I try to eat healthy and I am always looking for new ideas. Congratulations on your success.

  16. Ginny said

    These recipes look wonderful as do your pictures. I too am trying to reduce and or eliminate white flour, white sugar, dairy and possibly gluten from my diet in an attempt to clear up my psoriasis. I found you while searching what RSS means. How do I sign up for your blog?

    • dawnegourley said

      Thanks Ginny! I found that eliminating or cutting down on flour, sugar and dairy has greatly improved my skin. I think you will notice encouraging results. I should know how to sign up for my own blog… this is embarrassing… in the meantime, I post every Monday and Thursday morning.

  17. Susan M. said

    Hello Dawne,
    A friend suggested I check out your website. Wow! I love it. I was really good for 2 years ago with “clean eating” that is, but somehow fell off the train….I think it was Halloween 2007, I began to turn into a 70% chocolate chickypoo and with 30 lbs later gave my head a shake. I’m really looking forward to using your recipes and getting back on track. For some strange reason it’s comforting that you’re local. You go girl and thanks for doing your this. I’m so excited! Susan

    • dawnegourley said

      Hi Susan. I’m so happy that you love my website, thank-you! Oh, 70% chocolate, so hard to say no to. After you’ve been eating well for a week, treat yourself to some Black Bean Brownies, you’ll deserve it.

  18. Douglas Gordon Niessen said

    Hi Dawne
    My first visit to your website and I am very excited to explore the many recipes. After reading the intro about healthy food and what it has done for you. Courtney is my hairdresser and was kind enough to direct me to this website.

    Thanks Doug

    • dawnegourley said

      Hi Doug, and welcome. I love Courtney. I hope you enjoy some of my healthy recipes, keep me posted on your results.

  19. Emily said

    Hi, Just came across your website when I was looking for a black bean brownie recipe (they just came out of the oven- I’ll leave a comment on the recipe when I try one!) and already love the site. But is there any way to add you to an RSS feed (like Google Reader)? Thanks.

    • Emily said

      Never mind! I realized I could do it by searching for your blog through Google Reader. I can’t wait to make more of your recipes!

      • dawnegourley said

        Hi Emily! I’m so glad you found my blog and tried the black bean brownies. I look forward to hearing from you again.

  20. Ken Gourley said

    Dearest Dawne; You would blush if you knew how proud your family is of you. Your mom and dad and Auntie Thedda and I follow your many moves. Your stint at the hotel I understand was/is a doozi. I have heard that your efforts were very well received, great work!
    I have tried for years as you know to bake a good pie (crust) the filling is always great, but? Any suggestions?
    Uncle Ken

    • dawnegourley said

      Thanks Uncle Ken, and to Aunt Thedda, too. I’m lucky to have such a family! As for your pie, I think a lesson is in order. I’ll call you soon.

  21. Bree said

    Dawne! I am so thankful that Jade hooked me up with your notion. I have a hobby of baking and making crazy concoctions…this morning it’s your pancakes and I’ve added lemon zest, castor oil and banana. I plan on dusting them with nutmeg, cinnamon and clove….come have tea!

    thank YOU.


    • dawnegourley said

      Bree – I’m delighted that you’re so taken with some of the recipes. I love experimental baking! Put the kettle on…

  22. Mary Moltman said

    Hi Dawne. I, too, was directed here by Jade. Great blog, great recipes, and now my 21 day challenge seems actually possible! I suspect the eating changes will go far beyond the 21 days, especially if I follow the delicious recipes that you have posted. Tonight’s menu: Poached Halibut. Yum! Thanks!

  23. Gretchen Doyle said

    It was great to say hello and chat with you, Dawne! Just finishing the laundry from our own adventure. No more crepes and pancakes for now. I love your beautiful pictures and stories; will let you know how I fare with the recipes. Very intrigued by the black bean brownie idea..(but skeptical:)) I will most definitely will pass this on for others to enjoy.

  24. jenn said

    hi and welcome home! I’ve been reading your website since you left, and admittedly you’re brilliant…if your baking is anything like your photography than you’re really setting the bar high for the rest of us! Anyway I’ve been referring to you as my BFF since we chatted at Jo’s so if the opportunity ever arises we should meet up for some witty reparte. jenn 🙂

  25. Sue said

    Hi Dawne,
    I’m really enjoying your blog. Thank you for doing this. I always look forward to reading what’s next. Keep up the great work!
    PS thanks for the Paris piece, simply spectacular!

  26. Tamiko said

    Hi Dawne!
    Kate directed me to your blog…and I’ve been inspired by it ever since! I know you’re taking a hiatus, but I still love to go back to tried recipes. I hope you don’t mind, but I’ve awarded you a Versatile Blogger Award because I heart your blog. Deets here:

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